Friday, July 19, 2013

VZ-9V Avrocar

The Avro Canada VZ-9 Avrocar was a VTOL aircraft developed by Avro Aircraft Ltd. (Canada) as part of a secret U.S. military project carried out in the early years of the Cold War.The Avrocar intended to exploit the Coandă effect to provide lift and thrust from a single "turborotor" blowing exhaust out the rim of the disk-shaped aircraft to provide anticipated VTOL-like performance. In the air, it would have resembled a flying saucer.

Originally designed as a fighter-like aircraft capable of very high speeds and altitudes, the project was repeatedly scaled back over time and the U.S. Air Force eventually abandoned it. Development was then taken up by the U.S. Army for a tactical combat aircraft requirement, a sort of high-performance helicopter. In flight testing, the Avrocar proved to have unresolved thrust and stability problems that limited it to a degraded, low-performance flight envelope; subsequently, the project was cancelled in September 1961.

Through the history of the program, the project was referred to by a number of different names.
Avro referred to the efforts as Project Y, with individual vehicles known as Spade and Omega. Project Y-2 was later funded by the U.S. Air Force, who referred to it as WS-606A, Project 1794 and Project Silver Bug. When the U.S. Army joined the efforts it took on its final name "Avrocar", and the designation "VZ-9", part of the U.S. Army's VTOL projects in the VZ series.

VIA []

and here is a video for your joy!

The Lifter - How to build an HexaLifter

I have a very nice find for you today, let's explain whatis a lifter as quoted from JN lab

The Lifter works without moving parts, flies silently, uses only electrical energy and is able to lift its own weight plus an additional payload. The Lifter uses the Biefeld-Brown effect discovered by Thomas Townsend Brown in 1928. The basic design of the Lifter has been fully described in the Townsend Brown US Patent N°2949550 filed on Aug 16, 1960 and titled "Elektrokinetic Apparatus", you will find in this patent the full description of the main principle used in the Lifter devices.
You will find below a detailled diagrams which explains you how to build yourself a 40cm wide Hexagonal Lifter for your demonstrations and your experiments.
Required material :
- A light weight balsa wood board ( 15/10 mm thick ). You will find balsa wood board in any RC Hobby shops,
- a kitchen aluminum sheet ( 12 µm thick ),
- a thin copper wire ( 1/10 mm diameter ) extracted from a simple multiple wires power grid cord,
- a tube of cyanoacrylate universal glue,
- a hobby knife ( a cutter with a sharp and brand new blade ),
- a stripper ( Conrad Ref: 0229 458-30 ),
- a 50 cm ruler,
- a wooden plate ( 50x50 cm at least ) as your working surface,
- scotch tape,
- a paper pen.
Construction time : about 2 hours
Cost : about 1.5 Euro...

It is very important that the aluminum sheet covers completly the balsa wood stick.

The +HV electrical connection detail ( the wire is fixed with cyanoacrylate glue )

The HexaLifer is maintained with three thin nylon wires to the styrofoam base plate.
The styrofoam base plate 500x500mm wide and 3 mm thick has no effect in the working principle of the Lifter,
the plate is used to carry and the storage of the HexaLifter.

A Homemade UFO, 1947

July 11, 1947: Ten days after residents of Twin Falls, Idaho reported seeing flying saucers in the sky, a woman reported finding a flying saucer embedded in the lawn of her neighbor's home. Police came out to investigate, followed by the FBI and three army officers who flew out from Fort Douglas, Utah. What they found was a small, gold-and-silver-colored saucer about the size of a bicycle wheel. It had gouged long strips in the lawn as it landed. The army officers removed the saucer and took it to Salt Lake City for closer investigation. But the police, working on a tip, then identified the saucer as the creation of four teenage boys, who had spent several days building it out of radio tubes, wires, an old phonograph, and discarded electrical parts. The boys claimed it was "all a joke." Because of their age, no charges were brought against them.

UFO Conspiracy - Full Length Documentary

Video was uploaded by user  MrMrconspiracytheory 

Over the years investigations have revealed that Nazi engineers were working on disc shaped craft, vertical take off and advanced propulsion systems. After World War 2, the U.S. military secretly took the designs back to the states along with thousands of German scientists and engineers. Two years later in 1947 the first wave of UFO sightings occurs across the United States and then around the world. Could UFO's be secret U.S. aircraft developed from captured German designs?

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Secret Access UFO Full Documentary

Haunebu II & III

In 1942, the enlarged Haunebu II of 26 meters diameter was ready for flight testing. This disc had a crew of nine and could also achieve supersonic flight of between 6,000-21,000 km/h with a flight endurance of 55 hours. Both it and the further developed 32 meter diameter Do-Stra had heat shielding of two hulls of Victalen. Seven of these craft were constructed and tested between 1943-44. The craft made 106 test flights.
By 1944, the perfected war model, the Haunebu II Do-Stra (Dornier STRAtosphären Flugzeug) was tested. Two prototypes were built. These massive machines, several stories tall, were crewed by 20 men. They were also capable of hypersonic speed beyond 21,000 km/h. The SS had intended to produce the machines with tenders for both Junkers and Dornier but in late 1944/early 1945 Dornier was chosen. The close of the war, however, prevented Dornier from building any production models.Yet larger still was the 71 meter diameter Haunebu III. A lone prototype was constructed before the close of the war. It was crewed by 32 and could achieve speeds of between 7,000 - 40,000 km/h! It had a triple Victalen hull. It is said to have had a flight endurance of between 7-8 weeks! The craft made 19 test flights. This craft was to be used for evacuation work for Thule and Vril in March 1945. Named Ostara, after the old Germanic goddess of the East, dawn, rebirth, and resurrection, the overloaded Haunebu III may have been boostered by a cluster of A-9/A-10 rockets to get it into the air with SS General Hans Kammler onboard.

Subsequent postwar claims that this craft was ultimately used for a suicide mission to Mars is completely unfounded; even with onboard SS oxygen generators and modified Draeger Werke pressure suits there is no way this machine could withstand an eight month journey to Mars. What would be the purpose anyway? The Gesellschaften were aiming at channeled flight not conventional space flight.

Haunebu I

Here is a one of the most awesome German  Nazi UFOs of world war II the 
Haunebu I it's a real saucer shaped air craft that was used by the Nazi during WWII

You can read about it on Wikipedia right here

and here is some of the technical information about it.

  • Moderately Armed Flight Gyro
  • Diameter: 24.95 m
  • Drive: Thule Tachyonator (Triebwerk) 7b
  • Control: Mag Field Impulser 4
  • Speed: 4,800 km/h(during space flight up to 17,000 km/h)
  • Range: Flight time of 18 h
  • Armament: 2 x 80 mm KSK in rotating turrets; 4 x MK-108 30mm in body
  • Armor: Double Victalen
  • Crew: 8
  • Max hover duration: 8 minutes
  • All weather, day and night, capability
  • Spaceflight capable: 60%
  • First flight: 1939
  • Available for service: 1944

    I will do more digging for info about german UFOs and keep you updated